As great as it is, the Wienermobile has one flaw: it doesn’t serve actual hot dogs. So we decided to fix that with the Wiener Rover. It’s a pint-sized Wienermobile with beefier tires, beefier suspension, and 100% Angus beef hot dogs.
Needless to say, people liked it. One TV weatherman in particular seemed very enthusiastic.
'Wiener lady you must make this available!'
- al Roker
(yelling at Oscar Mayer ‘Hotdogger’ off to the side)
In response to Al Roker, and the public, we rolled (or roved) into the holiday season with the Mini Wiener Rover. The meaty little brother of the original Rover measured just over 11 in. x 22 in. (Or about 4 x 2 hot dogs.)
It debuted on Cyber Monday, available exclusively through Twitter's Buy-Now function. Each day that week, fans snapped up the limited number of Mini Rovers in seconds. The demand for these little vehicles far exceeded the supply.